PLTMG edition 6.0 is a package written by Randy Bank, UCSD, for solving elliptic partial differential equations in general regions of the plane. It features adaptive local mesh refinement, multigrid iteration, and a pseudo-arclength continuation option for parameter dependencies. The package includes an initial mesh generator and several graphics packages. Full documentation can be obtained in the PLTMG User's Guide, newly published in the SIAM Frontiers in Applied Mathematics series.
This library consists of a number of Fortran files and a few C files, most of which (aside from the graphics) are machine independent. Since the package is rather large, it has been made available via ftp, for those who have Internet access. Log in as anonymous and cd dist/pltmg. You must uncompress the .Z files once you have a copy of them. Someday we plan to make all of netlib available by ftp.
Version 2.1 of the dhrystone benchmarks in Ada, C, and Pascal is a new release from Reinhold Weicker, replacing the earlier (1984) version.
Source code and runtime libraries for the Fortran-to-C converter are now available, courtesy of Stu Feldman of Bellcore, David Gay and Norm Schryer of AT&T Bell Labs, and Mark Maimone of CMU. Since last fall, you have been able to exercise f2c by sending netlib a message whose first line is execute f2c and whose remaining lines are the Fortran 77 source that you wish to have converted. Return mail brings you the resulting C, with f2c's error messages. During the initial experimental period, incoming Fortran is being saved in a file. Don't send any secrets!
The na-digest directory is an archive of the NA-NET Digest, an electronic mailing moderated by Gene Golub and Cleve Moler. File names are of the form v87n1. (Starting with 1990, names are of the form v90n01, to simplify sorting.)
VFFTPK Version 2.1, May 1990 is a vectorized package of Fortran subprograms for the fast Fourier transform of real sequences, by Roland Sweet and Linda Lindgren, NIST Boulder, and Ronald Boisvert, NIST Maryland. It is a vectorization (for transforming multiple sequences) of the package FFTPACK (Version 3, June 1979) written by Paul N. Swarztrauber of NCAR.
This was written 27 July 1990 and is intended to be co-published in the electronic NA-NET Digest, the SIAM News, and the SIGNUM Newsletter. The author is in the Computing Science Research Center at AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill NJ 07974, USA. He can be reached by email at